Section Meeting Days

Squirrels -Monday’s (Before Beavers)

Beavers – Monday’s

Cubs – Wednesday’s

Scouts – Monday’s (After Beavers)

Explorers – Tuesday’s

Scouts is all about fun, challenges and Adventure

With an international Membership of approximately 25 million, well over half a million in the UK alone, the Scout Movement is the world’s largest voluntary organisation for boys and girls.

Scouts are do-ers and give-it-a-go-ers. Yes, we go camping, hiking, swimming, abseiling, cycling and canoeing. But we also get to hang out with our friends every week –  having fun, playing games, working in a team and taking on new challenges.

Every week we Scouting gives almost half a million 6-25 year olds the skills they need for school, college, university, the job interview, the important speech, the tricky challenge and the big dreams: the skills they need for life.

Everyone’s welcome here. All genders, races and backgrounds. Regardless of your child’s physical ability – there’s a Scout adventure out there waiting for them. And we’ll help them find it.

What do our Volunteers do?

This everyday adventure is possible thanks to our adult volunteers, who support Scouts in a wide range of roles from working directly with young people, to helping manage the Group, to being a charity Trustee. We help volunteers get the most out of their experiences at Scouts by providing opportunities for adventure, training, fun and friendship.

The award-winning training scheme for volunteers means that adults get as much from Scouts as young people. Our approach focuses on what you want to get out of volunteering with Scouts, while respecting how much time you can offer. Over 90% of Scout volunteers say that their skills and experiences have been useful in their work or personal life. Click here to learn more about being a volunteer.